How I got Sword Style 2SS V1 and 2SS V2 in Haze Piece – Full Guide

Hey everyone! Today, I’m going to give you the exact process that I used to get Sword Style 2SS V1 and 2SS V2 in Haze Piece.

In this Haze Piece guide, I’ll walk you through the steps of getting 2SS V1 and 2SS V2, step-by-step. I’ll also give you some tips on how to defeat the Dual Swordsman boss, who drops the book you need to upgrade to 2SS V2.

So, if you’re ready to learn how to get the most powerful sword fighting style in Haze Piece, then let’s get started!

Steps to get Sword Style 2SS V1

Sword Style 2SS V1
Sword Style 2SS V1
  1. Go to Luke Town. Luke Town is located on the second island in Haze Piece.
  2. Find Dr. White. Dr. White is located in the back of the town, near the lighthouse.
  3. Talk to Dr. White and select the “2SS” option.
  4. Pay 100K cash to get 2SS V1.

Steps to get Sword Style 2SS V2

Sword Style 2SS V2
Sword Style 2SS V2
  1. Defeat the Dual Swordsman boss in Luke Town. The Dual Swordsman boss is a level 500 boss that spawns every 60 minutes.
  2. Pick up the Mysterious book that the Dual Swordsman boss drops.
  3. Go back to Dr. White and talk to him.
  4. Select the “2SS V2” option.
  5. Pay 20K cash to upgrade your 2SS to V2.


  • Make sure you have enough cash to pay for 2SS V1 and 2SS V2.
  • Be prepared to fight the Dual Swordsman boss. He is a tough boss, so make sure you are at a high enough level and have good gear.
  • If you are having trouble defeating the Dual Swordsman boss, you can try asking for help from other players.

Overview of 2SS V1 and 2SS V2

Here is an overview of both the Sword Styles:

2SS V1 gives you the following moves:

  • Twister: A spinning attack that deals damage to enemies in a small area.
  • Cross Slash: A powerful slash that deals damage to enemies in a straight line.

2SS V2 gives you the following moves:

  • Twister: A spinning attack that deals damage to enemies in a large area.
  • Cross Slash: A more powerful slash that deals damage to enemies in a straight line.
  • Bomb: A powerful slam that deals damage to enemies in a small area.

2SS V2 is a significant upgrade over 2SS V1. The moves are more powerful and have a larger area of effect.

If you are serious about playing Haze Piece, I highly recommend upgrading your 2SS to V2 as soon as possible.

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