Reverse 1999 Tier List for Global Meta – Best Arcanist guide

Reverse 1999 is a new mobile game which is based in a world where magic and technology coexist, but where time is also a bit…fluid. On the last day of 1999, a mysterious phenomenon called the “Storm” causes the world to be reversed in time.
You take on the role of the Timekeeper, who must travel through time to save the Arcanists who are being “sifted out” of the timeline.
But what is an Arcanist? Well, they’re basically magic users. And in the world of Reverse 1999, they’re pretty much essential for surviving the Storm.
So, if you want to be a successful Timekeeper, you’re going to need to recruit a team of the best Arcanists in the business. But who are the best Arcanists? That’s where this Reverse 1999 tier list comes in.
Reverse 1999 Tier List – S tier

The S Tier represents the highest echelon of Arcanists.
- Afflatus: Beast
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 6
Centurion is an all-around character with high AoE and ST DPT, self-sustain, and utility. She can forgo her Ultimate for high ST DMG or spam it for high self-sustain. She has a very high DMG ceiling and is consistently good at all stages of the game.
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 5
Charlie is a ST DPT/AOE DPT/Dispel Arcanist with incredibly high consistent ST DMG and lenient skill requirements for extra DMG. Her Ultimate becomes an AOE DMG nuke at higher Portray upgrades, and she’s the only 5 rarity character who deals higher DMG than Lilya.
Her Insight 3 passive activates as a buff and will replace lesser buffs of the same type, so she wants buff support teammates without +DMG buff (Baby Blue, Diggers, etc.).
An-an Lee
- Afflatus: Plant
- Roles: Support
- Rarity: 6
An-an Lee is a versatile Arcanist with a high skill ceiling. She can switch between tank and damage stance every round, and her Ultimate and Skill 1 grant her high star cards. Her Skill 2 buffs her allies, making her a good fit for AP-greedy teammates.
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 6
Lilya is a single-target damage per turn (ST DPT) character who relies on her crit rate to do damage. She has the highest ST DMG in the game if her attacks crit, and she can deal more damage than most other Carry characters once she is invested in.
However, she requires at least Insight 2 to do decent damage, and her performance is mediocre before that. Best if you can pair her with teammates who can increase her crit rate, such as Voyager and Tooth Fairy.
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Support/Carry
- Rarity: 6
Regulus is a 3-star dodge tank with a focus on critical strikes. She has a great defensive Ultimate that applies dodge to all allies for 1 turn. Her passive [Restless Heart] allows her to proc increased Crit Rate only has to act every other round, making her perfect for Crit-oriented teams.
While she may not see much use early game, her effects can be deadly in the late game. She pairs well with other Crit-oriented teammates, such as Lilya, Voyager, and Tooth Fairy.
- Afflatus: Plant
- Roles: Support/DPT
- Rarity: 5
Bkornblume is the best Reality DMG support in the game, and her debuffs are insane. She can inflict AOE -Reality DEF, +DMG Taken, ST [Seal], or -moxie on enemies, and she gains various DMG and DEF bonuses against debuffed targets.
Her Skill 1 and Ultimate also deal deceptively high AOE and ST DMG respectively. She pairs perfectly with other Reality DMG teammates like Sotheby, Eternity, and Centurion.
Reverse 1999 Tier List – A tier

A Tier Arcanists have skill sets that surpass many others, often proving to be reliable choices for various team compositions.
- Afflatus: Mineral
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 6
Eternity is a self-sustain beast, with Blood of Longevity/Immortality and Ultimate healing, she’s incredibly hard to kill. She’s immune to Poison, Corrode, Bleed, and Stats Down at Insight 3. Works well with AP-Generous teammates like Pickles and An-an Lee.
A Knight
- Afflatus: Spirit
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 6
A Knight is an extremely greedy DPS Carry that can spam his Ultimate to wipe out multiple enemies or waves. His Ultimate applies a DMG Buff to himself and his allies, so he needs to have a team that can support him and keep him alive.
He’s a great pick for stages with multiple enemies or waves, but he’s not as good against single enemies. He synergizes well with teammates that can buff his damage, such as An-an Lee, Sonetto, and Pickles.
Medicine Pocket
- Afflatus: Beast
- Roles: Healer
- Rarity: 6
Medicine Pocket is a top-tier healer character who can carry your team through the hardest stages in the game. Her Skill 2 consistently AOE Heals and applies [Sturdiness] for extra DMG reduction, making her ideal for keeping your squishy teammates alive. Her Ultimate inflicts ST [Daze] and refunds +1 Moxie after use.
- Afflatus: Mineral
- Roles: Support/Control
- Rarity: 5
Sonetto is a DMG Buff, Crowd-Control unit who can apply consistent +DMG Dealt and -DMG Taken (and extra Penetration Rate for herself) with Skill 2. The [Disarm] on Skill 1 makes opponents with a lot of DMG easy to handle.
Her Ultimate can hit extremely hard even in late game. She is a flexible (and free!) unit who can find herself in a lot of different teams.
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Support/Debuffer
- Rarity: 6
Voyager is a CC and DMG Reflect queen. She can silence, seal, and reduce crit resist, making her the bane of squishy teams. Her S2 makes her team tanky while also reflecting DMG, and her ult deals high DMG when certain conditions are met.
She also makes it hard for enemies to ult with her own ult and passives. Voyager is a must-have for any team with crit-oriented and squishy teammates.
Druvis III
- Afflatus: Plant
- Roles: Control
- Rarity: 6
Druvis III is a Crowd-Control and AOE DPT character who revolves around inflicting Petrify with her Skill 1 and Ultimate. She supports Plant teams at Insight 3 with [Circle of Life] applying various buffs and also proccing her own Insight 1 for +DMG Dealt.
She excels in stages where the enemies can be petrified but struggles when they cannot. She has synergy with plant teammates, particularly Satsuki’s [Rigidity] for additional Crowd-Control.
Reverse 1999 Tier List – B tier

Arcanist classified as B tier signifies a character of moderate strength and utility.
- Afflatus: Plant
- Roles: Healer/DOT
- Rarity: 6
Sotheby is a powerful DoT/HoT character who can both damage and heal enemies/allies. Her kit revolves around tick effects, and her ultimate procs all [Poison] and [Cure] stacks to activate immediately.
This makes her great for burst damage and healing once her stacks are up. She can be either greedy or generous with AP depending on her role in the team, but she works best with AP-generous teammates for her DOTs. She has synergy with Blasphemer, who can use her [Poison] stacks.
Balloon Party
- Afflatus: Mineral
- Roles: Support/Healer
- Rarity: 5
Balloon Party is a flexible defensive support that pairs well with a variety of Arcanists. She applies [Balloon of Innocence] to the team, which reduces incoming damage and provides healing, and [Party Balloon], which reflects damage back to enemies.
Most of her damage comes from [Party Balloon], so she relies partly on her Ultimate to distribute her buffs to the team. However, she also provides good team healing and survivability with minimal investment.
- Afflatus: Mineral
- Roles: Dispeller/Support
- Rarity: 5
Necrologist is an AP greedy Immortal who provides protection and damage to her allies. Her Ultimate, [Prayer], grants allies protection from lethal DMG and increases their DMG Dealt. [Prayer] can only have one stack, any extra stacks become heals instead.
Her Skill 2 has some niche ST [Stats Up] and [Status Pos] dispel. She is used almost exclusively for her Ultimate, which is very AP hungry. She wants Carries and Supports that can facilitate her (Regulus, Pickles, Centurion, etc.).
Baby Blue
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Debuffer
- Rarity: 5
Baby Blue is a Mental DMG Debuff character that specializes in inflicting debuffs like ST -Mental DEF, Nightmare, and AOE +DMG Taken via Skills. She can also apply defensive effects like -DMG Dealt, -DMG Taken, and +Crit DEF.
She is similar to Bkornblume, but lacks a lot of Bkorn’s DMG. She fits well with Mental DMG Carries like Melania and Matilda.
- Afflatus: Beast
- Roles: Healer/DPM
- Rarity: 5
Dikke is a versatile AOE healer who can provide high burst healing to allies below 50% HP. Her ultimate cleanses all negative status effects from herself and grants immunity for 1 round, making her very self-reliant.
She can also output decent ST DMG when invested in properly. Her flexible kit allows her to find use in almost any team composition.
Reverse 1999 Tier List – C tier

C-tier Arcanists have limitations that make them less desirable choices achieving optimal performance.
- Afflatus: Plant
- Roles: Control/DPM
- Rarity: 5
Satsuki, the [Petrify] queen! She’s a Plant team DPS monster, thanks to her ability to inflict [Rigidity] and stack it up to petrify enemies. Her DPM is insane, making her a great partner for Druvis III. Just be careful, she’s highly reliant on being able to petrify enemies.
Oliver Fog
- Afflatus: Star
- Roles: Support
- Rarity: 4
Oliver Fog is a DEF buffer and self-sustainer with incredible [Sturdiness] and +Reality/Mental DEF application. He has a lot of self-sustain with his healing and [Shield] granting. He’s very AP generous and pairs well with defense oriented Arcanists.
New Babel
- Afflatus: Mineral
- Roles: Tank
- Rarity: 6
New Babel is a 4-star Support character that uses a Star Afflatus. Her main ability is to create a large field that increases the damage of all allies within it. She also has a healing ability and can buff the attack speed of her allies.
- Afflatus: Beast
- Roles: Carry
- Rarity: 4
Pavia is an AOE DPT Self-Sustain character who scales well into higher story content. His Skill usage depends on if he is above or below 50% HP, and each Skill lowers his HP.
He has [Self-Healing] on his Ultimate to provide independent sustain. He performs similarly to Eternity, but like her will need a healer (Medicine Pocket, Sotheby, etc.).
Reverse 1999 Tier List – D tier

D Tier is the category of Arcanists who possess relatively lower effectiveness or utility within the game.
Bunny Bunny
- Afflatus: Beast
- Roles: Support/DPM
- Rarity: 4
Bunny Bunny is a crit-based cleanser who can provide a good -Crit DEF/Resist buff to her team at the start of combat and cleanse debuffs while also providing some healing with her ultimate.
She can deal okay damage in a crit-focused team, but her kit lacks consistency or a defined role, making her hard to use.
Mesmer Jr.
- Afflatus: Intellect
- Roles: Control
- Rarity: 4
Mesmer Jr., the control mage that doesn’t really fit in any niche. He has a variety of defensive effects, including [Stabilize] and dispelling [Stats Up] and [Status Pos] from enemies. He can also stack [Paralyze] which turns into [Daze] at 2 stacks, providing extra control.
Reverse 1999 FAQs
Who are the best 6 stars to reroll on regular banner?
- Centurion. * (Best AoE DPS, charge ult faster)
- Eternity*
- Druvis III*, An-an Lee
- Lilya, Voyager, Regulus
- Other 6 stars, except for New Babel.
(*) Good for early game advantage All three 6 stars from starter banner are very good. Instead, you should care more on what 5 stars you get on that banner (if you don’t get any 5 stars then you should pull more in standard or Sotheby’s banner).
Who are the best 5 stars to get early?
- Bkornnblume. Good damage, good debuff, prevents ult. Plant attribute.
- Baloon Party. Best 5 stars healer to get early, lower investment (for 5 stars).
- Charlie (P3 recommend)
- Dikke. Getting her early means, you don’t have to wait for a week to get a good healer.
Additional note:
- Sonetto is a good investment.
- You can’t get Matilda’s dupe, she’s not in the pool.
- Necrologist is good alternative for Pickles.
- If you have Druvis, Satsuki would be her best teammate, you don’t need Bkornn if you have them.
- Sweetheart and Click are the weaker 5 stars.
Which are the best 4 stars to invest?
- Eagle. Good budget DPS. Need P4+
- Pavia. Good DPS, need to play around his HP.
- Apple. Upgrade to I1 for mission. After that, it depends on whether you have a better alternative for him.
- Oliver(Limbo). Budget support. Tanky and his defensive buff is very good.
Which are the best 3 stars to invest?
- Leilani. I1 only. Passive is good to gain early passion. You can put her early for the passive and let her die in the first turn (sacrifice strategy). The only MUST invest 3 stars.
- The Fool(Limbo). Pretty tanky. Reduces moxie. Has taunt that applies corrode, the damage scales on enemy’s remaining HP.
- La Source. Best budget healer for early game. Good I1 passive. Not a bad choice for sacrifice
I suggest that you don’t invest on 2 stars. Best use of 2 stars? Use Ms. Radio as a sacrifice on stages with max moxie condition. Her ult reduces moxie. She is useful for this very specific scenario.
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