Ember Rain Tier List Wiki: Best Path for PVE & PVP

Ember Rain is a Roblox game based in a barren wasteland where you, as a phoenixborn, will rise from the ashes and go on an epic journey.
In this Online RPG Roblox game set in the caves of a ruined world, you’ll explore, fight, investigate, and grow as your character uncovers the secrets that lay within.
But with the ability to surpass death itself, where will your path lead you?
If you’re a new player looking for help in Ember Rain, you’ve come to the right point. In this Ember Rain tier list guide, we’ll evaluate and rank the various paths available in the game, helping you make a best decision for both PVE and PVP encounters.
Let’s dive in!
Roblox Ember Rain Tier List Wiki
First, we have Tier S, having the best path in Ember Rain for the current meta.
Tier S – True Phoenixborn
- Trueflame (Combat) – Shoot fire from your palm, ragdolling and setting your opponent on fire.
- Burning Soar (Combat) – Leap into the air carrying up any nearby player and setting them on fire.
- Phoenix Rebirth (Passives) – Right before dying, cast an explosion and heal a significant amount of health. This skill has a long cooldown.
- Everflame Village
Base Path(s):
- Healer
Tier A – Ghost
- Ghost bolt – While you are attacking someone, occasionally a blue bolt will appear and hit the opponent. This bolt will cause additional stun alongside a small amount of extra damage (4-6 damage).
- Blink dodges – If you successfully avoid an attack by dodging, you will enter a state of invisibility and intangibility alongside significantly increased speed, very similar to the move Blink.
- Evasion – Every time an attack hits you, you have a chance to dodge it and avoid anything to attack would have done to you.
- The Weeping Forest
Base Path(s):
- Mage
- Tactician
Tier A – Manadead
- Manabreak (Combat) – Cast a rune that creates an explosion around the user, disabling mana for anybody within that explosion.
- Suffocated (Combat) – Slash your target three times (inflicts % damage) (only works if the target was affected by mana break)
- Silent Village
Base Path(s):
- Mage
- Fighter
- Tactician
Tier B – Freak
- Beast’s Claw (Combat) – Use your claws to slash in front of you and deal 23.2 damage. Guardbreaks (though is parryable), applies bleed and can hit ragdolled players.
- Unleash (Combat) – Release a black beam from your chest, dealing 20.6 damage. Guardbreaks and slows the enemy for 5 seconds.
- The Jungle
Base Path(s):
- Defender
Tier B – Spellblade
- Enchant (Combat) – The only skill of spell blade similar to sigil knight commander. It gives you a random enchant from between 3 different effects Ice Lightning and Mana each element has its own respective ability that is capable of being used through m2.
- Ice – Slam your sword into the ground freezing enemies and doing minor damage passive sword ability slows the enemy.
- Lightning – Slice your sword and do damage and teleport behind them passive sword ability stuns for longer.
- Mana – High damaging fast beam passive sword ability is 2 extra damage on all attacks.
- The Crystal Labyrinth
Base Path(s):
- Mage
- Fighter (you are given fighter if you go mage and mage if you go fighter)
Tier B – Warlord
- X Slash (Combat) – Perform a quick double slice with your sword dealing moderate damage twice and gives you a stack of your passive skill.
- Clear mind (Utility) – Resets the cooldown of your most recent skill.
- War Cry (Utility) – User uses an AOE move that slows down all npcs/players in an area significantly (CAN BE USED WITH CLEAR MIND TO DOUBLE THE SLOW DOWN EFFECT)
- The Jungle
Base Path(s):
- Defender
- Fighter
Tier C – Disciple
- Greedy Eye (Utility)– Use a small amount of mana to identify all trinket spawns in your surroundings.
- Alternate Treasure (Utility) – Use a huge amount of mana to spawn trinkets in existing trinket spots around you. Not guaranteed to always work. This skill also has an increased chance to provide higher rarity items when compared to normal trinket spawns.
- Backup Plan (Utility) – Places down a portal that you can teleport to at any time by casting the skill again. (Portals will remain even after you leave a server, and are usable when you rejoin the server it was created in)
- Golden strikes (Combat) – Summon 5 portals that send beams slowly at a target multiple times doing moderate damage and minimal stun. (BLOCK BREAKS)
- Dangath’s Pocket Realm
Base Path(s):
- Mage
Tier C – Knight Of The Black Sun
- Cosmosis (Combat) – Cast a huge fire ball above you, firing 5 blasts to the ground 5 times dealing 10 damage each. It will then grow again and explode in an AoE, dealing 2.5 damage 5 times.
- Healing Flame (Utility) – Snap, casting a flame in front you, healing anybody who is touched by it for a significant amount of health.
- Immolation (Utility) – Snap, casting a flame on you, dealing damage to yourself only to heal it right after along with additional health.
- Everflame Village
- The Silent Village
Base Path(s):
- Defender
- Healer
Tier C – Tactician
- Rope Pull (Combat) – Throw a rope that immediately hits one nearby enemy and pulls them to you, damaging them. They will remain stunned by the rope for 4 seconds.
- Hunt (Utility) – Emit a low pitched noise and a purple ripple effect around you. Nearby enemies will be slowed by this move.
- The Jungle
Base Path(s):
- Defender
Tier D – Trackstar
- Evasion & Reaction (Combat) – Dodge an attack then teleport Infront of them with a counter attack. (Dmg scales with Dexterity)
- Lightspeed Dropkick (Combat) – High damage dropkick that leaves enemy ragdolled for 2 seconds. (Dmg scales with Dexterity)
- Accelerate (Utility) – Increases movement speed by a lot for 2.5 seconds.
- The Bastion Ruins
Base Path(s):
- Tactician
This concludes our Ember Rain tier list. We hope this guide helps you in selecting the path that aligns with your strategy and overall goals.
Frequently Asked Questions
How are the tiers determined in the Ember Rain tier list?
The rankings take into account factors such as combat abilities, utility skills, and the synergy between different paths.
Can I switch paths in Ember Rain after making a choice?
Yes, you can switch paths in Ember Rain. While the initial path choice may impact your progression and skillset, it is possible to change paths within the game.
Can I play Ember Rain solo, or is it necessary to join a group?
It offers both solo and group gameplay options. You can explore, complete quests, and battle on your own. Also, you can team up with other players and form groups.
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