Slayer Legend Spirits Guide (Best Loadouts Tier List)

Feeling like your Slayer Legends Spirits aren’t quite up to par? Need a boost in attack power and resource acquisition? This Slayer Legend Spirits guide is going to help you in unlocking your Spirits’ true potential, transforming them from mere companions into powerful allies.
Related reads – Slayer Legend Best Skills Build
Slayer Legend Spirits Guide
If you collect 4 of the same spirit, you can evolve to the next level and when it reaches legendary it will have a unique skill effect. When you awaken a spirit, it increases that unique skill effect. You can have one partner spirit whose skill effect will be increased by 10%, and two accompanying spirits that you will benefit from their effects and skills as well. You level them up using enhancement cubes and spirit essence.
Slayer Legends Spirits Tier List
Name | Tier | Skill Name | Effect |
Sala | A | Breath of Fire | Every 12 seconds after the start of the battle deal the remaining 6-10% of hp. The % depends on the grade of your spirit. |
Ark | E | Time Freeze | After 8 seconds from the start of the battle stop time for 1.6-5 seconds. Once per battle. |
Herh | D | Wind Force | Skill cooldown + 4-6% recovery every 10 seconds. |
Loar | S | Wilderness Roar | Increase skill damage to boss monsters by 10-80%. |
Mum | S | Reign | Skill damage 10-80% against normal monsters |
Todd | A | Gold Rumble | 10-80% chance of obtaining 2x gold whenever acquired. |
Zappy | C | Judge’s Torpedo | Instantly kills normal monsters with less than 14-30% HP. |
Radon | B | Leveling | Increases damage dealt to enemies by 10-80% when the enemy’s HP is above 70%. |
Bo | E | Wild heart | Total HP increased by 20-160%. |
Luga | A | Understanding of the Abyss | When gaining exp 10-80% chance for double exp. |
Kart | C | Thief Wind | When attacking a normal monster for the first time, HP is reduced by 13-25%. |
Noah | S | Last Fight | 5 seconds before the end of a battle increase your damage by 1.2-2X. |
Best Spirits Loadout
This is under the assumption your spirit is maxed or at a high level, although this works plenty fine starting out until you get there.
Boss Focused (Noah + Loar, and Sala)
Loar gives 80% overall more skill damage toward bosses. As you typically do the most damage at the end of the fight, noah’s 5-second buff can be paired with a rave and demon hunt combo to achieve a massive killing blow.
A typical boss fight is about 25 seconds which means Sala’s skills can be activated twice, which deals with at most 20% of stage boss’s health. Even at level 1, it can deal at most 12% of the boss’s health, you can see it as 12% more damage. It is chip-damaged and its position can be replaced with Herh.
The cooldown reduction is minimal but if that helps you achieve double demon hunt during a rave more easily, feel free to go with Herh instead.
Farming Loadout (Mum, Radon, Zappy + Whale, Toad)
Mum is the MVP for stage clearing. Providing 80% more skill damage across the board. Radon is the first running up. Its skill provides 80% more damage toward normal enemies above 70% HP. Extremely useful in one-shotting packs with supersonic your ideal clear skills when you just need that little extra damage.
Zappy is better than Cat in terms of damage and that ability combined with fulgurous can be antagonistic with Radon’s skill (putting the enemy below 70%). Note that Zappy and Cat can be decent mappers at level one since they have a high base damage, but they will slowly outcompete by mum and Radon.
If you have enough damage, getting some extra resources is always nice. Todd’s or Whale’s skill can be translated into 80% more gold/exp.