Roblox Guide & Wiki

Grand Kaizen: Swords & Cursed Technique Guide for Beginners

In this Grand Kaizen beginners guide, we’re cracking open the vault and exposing every single Sword, ability, and curse technique the game has to offer.

We’ll even discuss the newly added Slaughter Demon sword and the flashy Jet Black Sword along with their movesets.

So, let’s get started!

Grand Kaizen: Swords guide for beginners

Starting off with the swords, we’ve got the “Slaughter Demon” It’s an uncommon drop requiring Level 5 to equip. The moves include M1 attacks and a unique move called “DemonicPuncture” [Z]. It is a pretty decent sword with nothing crazy.

Next up, is the “Tetsubo” which requires Level 10, a mace-like weapon having straightforward M1 and UP2 attacks.

Following that, we have the “Kento Knife” which is a Rare sword and requires Level 25 to equip. It is a visually attractive weapon, though it doesn’t have any special moves.

The “Jet Black Sword” requires Level 5 and has the “BlackCrescentBeam” [Z] and “Nightfall” [X] moves. This sword is popular because it has a uniquely streamlined style and powerful attacks.

Moving on, the “Spear,” available at Level 10, offers no special moves but has an impressive appearance and damage count.

The “Inverted Spear of Heaven,” which is accessible at Level 25 introduces the “HeavenlyTakedown” [X] and “XSlash” [Z] moves with super cool cutscenes. It is the top-looking sword in the game with stunning visual effects.

The “Hand Sword” requires Level 10 and has the “CrypticSlash” [Z] and a counter move named “MiracleCounter” [X].

Lastly, the “Staff” which requires Level 5 has two moves: “GildedCombo” [Z] and “VaultKick” [X].

Grand Kaizen: Moveset guide for beginners

Transitioning to abilities, we first have the “ReverberatingBlast” [B] and “Melody Cannon” [C] moves for the 4×4. The “DivergentFist” [Z] move when performed conjures a unique blue around-the-fist attack.

Now, onto Gojo’s moveset:

MaximumLapsBlue” [B] and “ReversalRed” [G] are pretty decent damage-heavy moves, with the latter having a charged red flame arrow that explodes on contact with the enemy (my personal favourite).

Then, the “CosmicBeatdown” [Z] mainly unleashes a barrage-style move with a stylish cutscene.

For the final set of moves:

We have “Drill” [B] with a pretty big startup, “OverheatStrike” [G] unleashing the fire punch on the ground, “Tentacle” [U] giving you massive tentacles that can grab and smash enemies on the ground, and “Ultimate Cannon” [E] which also has big startup but when charged releases fire fury onto your opponents.

The “DisasterFlames” [Z], “VolcanicSlam” [C], and “MaximumMeteor” [X] offer impactful fiery attacks.

Sukuna’s Moveset:

Sukuna’s moveset includes the “FlameArrow” with a charged explosive release, a counter move, “Dismantle,” “BisectingAssault,” and the visually stunning “HollowPurple.”

That’s all for today! Also, check out similar guides below,

Oman Bilal

Oman Bilal has been engrossed into video games since his childhood days. He has been playing numerous mobile games and finds his expertise in Clash Royale, Clash Mini, Puzzle games, and even Roblox.

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