Tier List

Monster Trainer Idle RPG Tier List March 2025: Best Hero Guide

Do you want to crush some prehistoric rivals and build the fiercest tribe EVER?! This Monster Trainer Idle RPG tier list is your ultimate guide to picking the baddest beasties!

In this guide, we’ve got all the juicy details on who’s the best melee character in Monster Trainer (hint: rhymes with ‘toast tiger’), who’s got the powerful ranged attacks (fire-breathing dragons, obvi!), and who’s most suitable for flying attacks (Azure Dragon, duh!).

Without further ado, jump into this tier list and build a tribe that’s the envy of the entire Monster Trainer world!

Monster Trainer Idle RPG Tier List: Best character picks

Editor’s Note: This Monster Trainer tier list is, like, totally my opinion, okay? I’m not saying it’s the be-all, end-all of Monster Trainer knowledge (even though it’s pretty awesome, if I do say so myself!).

SMeleeGhost TigerTop melee damage dealer, powerful skills
RangedTwin-Head DragonHigh damage output, ignites enemies
FlyingAzure DragonImpressive stats, guaranteed hit attacks
AMeleeLightning KirinUnique abilities, buffs
RangedTapejaraStrong support, healing capabilities
FlyingMantisHigh damage, critical hit chance
MeleeMammothTanky, crowd control
RangedBig FeetSolid ranged damage, debuffs
FlyingPhoenixRevive allies, useful in specific situations
MeleeTriceratopsGood damage and defense, area of effect attacks
BMeleeSpiderWebbing enemies, slows down opponents
RangedShadow WolfDodge chance, decent damage
FlyingWaspPoison damage, weakens enemies
MeleeRage RhinoHigh single-target damage, berserker mode
FlyingFour-Winged DragonDecent AoE damage, buffs allies
MeleeGorillaStuns enemies, disrupts formations
RangedNine-tailed FoxBuffs allies, decent damage
FlyingVultureSteals enemy HP, situational
MeleeStorm BearLightning attacks, area of effect damage
RangedChristmas ReindeerHeals allies, resurrection chance
MeleeStegosaurusTanky, high defense
CMeleeSeahorseWeak damage, not recommended
FlyingBoreopterusLow stats, easily outclassed
MeleeAllosaurusOutshined by other melee options
RangedViperPoor overall performance
FlyingToxic BatWeak damage, poison effect not significant
RangedKoalaLow damage, lacks utility
FlyingFlamingoOutclassed by other flying units
MeleeGiant-tailed ScorpionOutdated skills, not efficient
RangedFluorescent JellyfishLow damage, situational debuffs
FlyingBaid EagleAverage stats, better alternatives available
RangedCannon TurtleHigh attack, but slow and immobile
DMeleeKing KongEpic rarity, but underwhelming performance
FlyingFire DragonOutclassed by other flying units
MeleeLion WarriorWeak skills, outdated
RangedIce ArcherLow damage, limited utility
MeleeCrocodile TeethOutshined by other melee options
FlyingFrostOutdated skills, weak damage
RangedWalrusPoor attack range, situational debuffs
MeleeT-Rex HammerHigh attack, but slow and vulnerable
RangedManta RayLow damage, lacks utility
MeleeBone ChainOutclassed by other melee units
RangedOctopus ShooterLow damage, limited range
MeleeCrab GuardPoor skills, not recommended
RangedRockWeak overall performance
FlyingLava FlameOutdated skills, outclassed by other options
RangedSling ShotLow damage, lacks utility
MeleeSand StickOutshined by other melee units
FlyingFlying FinsWeak skills, limited use
RangedGerbilPoor damage, not recommended
MeleeConch KnightOutdated skills, underwhelming performance
RangedLobster ShooterLow damage, limited range
RangedSun PriestOutclassed by other healers
MeleeCat SpriteWeak skills, not recommended
FlyingButterflyOutdated skills, outclassed by other options
RangedEel ShooterLow damage, limited use
MeleeElephant WarriorOutshined by other melee units

Bonus Tip: The Monster Trainer tier list table is super-wide! If you are on mobile, swipe right to see all the columns and find your faves!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who are the best characters in Monster Trainer?

A great team could be Ghost Tiger (S-tier melee), Twin-Head Dragon (B-tier ranged), and Azure Dragon (S-tier flying). This team has a mix of damage, crowd control, and healing, so it can handle pretty much anything!

What’s more important, rarity or tier?

Tier is usually a better indicator of a characters’ strength, but rarity can also play a role. Some Epic monsters like King Kong can still be really good, even if they’re not in the top tiers.

I just got a Twin-Head Dragon, but it’s only in B-tier. Should I still use it?

YES! B-tier monsters can still be super useful, so, don’t sleep on them. He can totally roast your enemies with its attacks, so definitely give it a chance to shine.

I’m super confused about which monsters to focus on. Help!

Don’t stress! Here’s a quick tip: focus on upgrading a few monsters from each tier, that way you’ll have a balanced team that can handle any challenge.

What did we create this Monster Trainer tier list anyway?

Tier List is just a fancy way of ranking all the characters in the game, from totally awesome (S-tier) to meh (D-tier). It’s like, your cheat sheet to building the most epic tribe ever!

That’s all we have for our Monster Trainer Idle RPG tier list for today. For even more character tier list action, be sure to check out the list below.

Amir Shiraz

Amir Shiraz, your go-to gaming wordsmith! From dropping hot promo codes to writing unbeatable strategies, Amir's got your back. Whether you need a guide through the gaming maze or the answer to a tricky crossword clue, he's your friend.

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